Big Meow Maine Coon Cats
Breeding and showing healthy, beautiful Maine Coons since 1994
About me

Welcome to the Big Meow!
Home of happy, healthy Maine Coon cats that make great family companions.
I have been breeding and showing Maine Coons since 1994, way before internet and social media!
Breeders used cat shows to meet other breeders, and through this dedication to the breed, learned to read pedigrees, understand the lines, set type in the breed standard, learn color genetics and the importance of cardiac ultrasound.
We worked together to improve health, type and temperament so that this beautiful breed would be the best it could be. I believe those goals continue today.
With dedicated breeders already doing cardiac ultrasound to improve health, new ground breaking technology came in the form of DNA testing, adding more tools to the tool box to improve health.
It was exciting to be a part of it all!
I am still as excited and passionate about this incredible breed as I was in 1994. And, I still love to go to a cat show.
As for the rest of my life, I am a retired RN, as well as I owned my own baseball & comic book store in the late 80s to mid 90s.
I have been married to my wonderful husband for 50 years. We have grown grandkids and a great family. They all love the cats, too!
I have a great home, lovely property, and we enjoy the simple home life. I love my garden of flowers, as do the deer, so it is a constant battle to keep them in bloom instead of eaten to the nubs!
And, of course, I LOVE Maine Coon Cats!